ONA Body Awareness "Balls to Cancer"
Penticton, Canada. April 16, 2015. Okanagan Naturist Association (ONA) is starting the year off with the environment and body awareness.
ONA will be holding a Three Mile Point "Spring Clean Up" on Sunday April 19th at 1:00pm. Bring rakes, garbage bags, and something for 10 people to share for an "After clean up" Potluck. We will be cleaning the entire public peninsula and parking area.
ONA and BC Cancer Foundation have teamed up to do a “Balls to Cancer" photo shoot at Three mile beach on April 25, from 2-4pm, with local photographer JK Dunn.
ONA is placing out a challenge to their members, the RCMP, City Council, Local Fire detachments, The Penticton Vee’s, the Three Mile Beach Family Coalition, 3MNBC. Along with the general Male community at large, to pose for the standard “Balls to Cancer” photo image. Join the likes of Robbie Robertson and Mayor of Vancouver - Gregor Robertson, and raise body awareness about testicular cancer.
ONA looks forward to a, Clean, Safe and very Okanagan beach season! ...And remember, "Nude is Not Lewd!"
Contact: info@okanagannaturistassociation.ca
http://www.okanagannaturistassociation.ca PO Box 400, 137 435 Martin Street, Penticton, British Columbia Ph: 250-486-4381 or 250-487-8078